Experience SHAPE

SHAPE Your Intimate Love Relationships

4 Weeks | Synchronized Activities | Accountability

In this 4-week quest for persons in intimate relationships, you discover how best to leverage the differences between both partners and foster deeper intimacy.

You will unravel how best to leverage differences, conflicts and difficult emotions to create magic in your relationsip.

What You Get From This Program

Self-paced growth

Instead of hyper-intensive programs that are hard to keep up with, you get a program designed to accommodate your schedule while delivering truly transformational activities.

Focus on consistency

With short daily activities over 12 weeks, you gradually and consistent build the competences and skills required to get you the results you need to transform your outcomes.

Sustained result

The net result of our system is that you build a new habit and lifestyle that sustains the results that create the life and outcomes you desire and deserve.

S.H.A.P.E. Helps You

Unravel Your Happiest & Most Productive Life

The SHAPE program has produced some outstanding transformation stories. People acroos the world giving testimonies about how they have re-shaped their outcomes in family, relationships, personal fullment, business, health and finances.